About This Game Sneak through the shadows, dash to cover, pick your moment and strike! Unleash your inner thief in this strategic stealth adventure. After the heist of a lifetime, Sneaky, the lovable rogue is ambushed! Plot, shoot, stab, and loot your way across the land to reclaim Sneaky’s twice-stolen treasure. Sneaky Sneaky offers a mix of stealth and tactical gameplay. Move through the world freely, but watch your step. Getting spotted or initiating combat will trigger turn-based encounters. There is no single solution to the challenges set before you. Experiment and develop your own play style.Key FeaturesLevel Up! - Gain XP and use it to upgrade your attributes.Items! - Find powerful items to help you get the upper hand.So many Monsters! - The residents of this world are numerous and dangerous. Each new enemy offers a fresh challenge. b4d347fde0 Title: Sneaky SneakyGenre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:Naiad Entertainment LLCPublisher:Naiad Entertainment LLCRelease Date: 12 Nov, 2014 Sneaky Sneaky Download Windows 7 Ultimate sneaky sneaky song. sneaky sneaky snake. sneaky sneaky meme. lotro sneaky sneaky. mr deeds sneaky sneaky gif. sneaky sneaky squirrel. sneaky sneaky movie quote. necropolis sneaky sneaky trophies. sneaky sneaky beaky. sneaky peaky or sneaky beaky. sneaky snake vine. sneaky sneaky music. sneaky sneaky meaning. sneaky sneaky mr deeds gif. sneaky sneaky game download. sneaky sneak kevin macleod. sneak of sneaky. sneaky sneaky dog. sneaky sneaky movie. sneaky sneaky adam sandler It's a hard decision for me to say that I don't recommend this game - but in the end I believe the cons outweigh the pros.Pros- Fun Battle System- Often multiple ways to complete a level- Different ways of dealing with enemies- Some humor throughout - Decent Level Up SystemCons- I beat this in 2 hours - there were only like approx. 15 levels - wayyy too short for a game of this sort - I would have loved for there to be at least double the amount of levels if not triple- Not that many items to choose from and some aren't very helpful anyways- Minor level interaction I.E. The only place to hide is in piles of hay or grass and only barrels, trees, rocks and jars are breakable- Easy to screw up - I suppose if you are the patient sort this one might not be an issue but I found that quite often when I go to move my character he somehow ends up in the enemies line of sight despite my delibarite effort to keep him hidden- Almost no story at all - plus (in my opinion) the ending is really bad- Prices for upgrades in the store are far too expensive based on how much gold you gain per level and how few levels there are - and the upgrades aren't that helpful anyways - Lack of variety in general - only 3 different area types that you explore through and the several levels for each area type all feel about the same- Far too easy - Most Enemies can be easily taken out with an arrow from afar before they can react and then you can restock on arrows basically anytime you want my destroying trees or barrels - not to mention anytime you die you can hit a retry button that lets you start over from the enterance of the room you died in with no demerit - Unneccesary score system - I suppose since the exp is linked to the score system it's kind of important but they didnt need to put one in - or at the very least - I felt no pressure to get a high score because whether you do or not you are going to get a good chunck of experience points that will almost always level you up- Repetitive music that is the same for every level you play through Verdict: In the end I didn't hate the 2 hours I spent playing this game but unless it is on a really good sale and you don't have any other games to play than I wouldn't recommend getting this game.. Fun little game. Not very complex or hard, even with minimum use of inventory items. Just one achievement was tricky to get.. I got this game for my wife. She has difficulty with controllers and controlling games in general. While eveyrone else was running the track in mario carte she would be the one going the wrong way stuck against a tree stump. This game was was able to play. Abolutley loved it. It's short, sweet, and fun. What's not to like.. Game is short, but is also rather cheap so i wouldn't complain about the price\/length ratio. While it's a mobile port it falls into the tiny "good" part of the spectrum featuring tight mouse control and UI that doesn't get in the way of playing. While i would like to see keyboard controls in certain hectic situations, mouse controls actually feel pretty great. Game runs at solid 60fps (maybe more, i haven't checked), doesn't have microtransactions, broken economy, grind or any other shenanigans iOS ports are known for.All in all, i would really like to see a sequel developed as a full fledged PC game instead since this style of stealth puzzle has a great potential but i feel like iOS root drag it down.. This game was fun, but very short. Only 17 levels... actually 15 since "The End" can't honestly count as a level and the first one is technically a tutorial.There are plenty of ways the levels can be completed and played, which explains the abundance of achievements for this small game. But for someone who isn't necessarily interested in getting achievements and would rather just play the game (like myself), I was able to complete the game fairly quickly and without having to use too many of the items in-game.That doesn't necessarily mean that the game was easy, however. It definitely has its challenges when it comes to fighting certain enemies, figuring out how to open different gates, and finding ways to sneak around safely. But, what takes all of that difficulty away is the fact that if\/when you do die, the game just restarts you in that same room. I personally think it would be more challenging if you were put back at the beginning of the level to start all over again when you die. It would make you take your character's health more seriously.Also, not sure if this was a problem that only I was experiencing, but anytime I exited the game it would just freeze right there at the main menu. I could not alt+tab back to my desktop and the game wouldn't do what it normally should do (just close and return me to whatever window I was on previously). I had to open task manager just to get back to my desktop. It was just a minor annoyance.I recommend this game because despite the couple of cons it has, it was still an enjoyable short game, but I also think you should only buy it when it's on sale.. If not for the ammount of stages. this game would be a 10\/10.Sneaky Sneaky is a stealth game with a cartoon-ish art style. In the game, you have to get back a sack of gems that is taken away from you on the start, There are 17 Stages, and Three "Scenarios", Respectively, The Woods, The Canyon (Desert) and The City, each one presents different enemies and different mechanics.The main character (Your character) has 4 Different "Skills":- Health : Ammount of hearts (Most enemies deal 1 Heart of damage, Some deal 0.5, some deal 1.5 and some deal more.)- Melee Damage : Damage with the sword (You have to be on the tile next to the enemy to meele him)- Ranged Damage : Bow (You have to manually aim)- Walking Distance : Ammount of tiles you can walk using one (Of three) "Charges" while in "Combat Mode".Each time you level up you can add one point to each of them (12 levels total), Health has 5 Possible upgrades, Melee has 2, Ranged has 2 and Walking has 2.There is a shop where you can buy, Health potions, Ham (bait), Mana potion (Fills your "Charges" while in combat mode), Hammer (lets you break rocks), Sleepy potion (You add them to arrows and you can make your enemies sleep instead of killing\/harming them) and The barrel (You "wear" a barrel and you are completely sneaky for one stage.)Cons of the game : - Short - 17 Stages, While they are all "Easy" if you dont care about maxing out the points.- The game doesnt force you to use all mechanics. - I personally only used The bow, sword, health potion and ham. If you are very good (And full of patience) you can finish all stages flawlessly with only a bow and sword.Pros:- Its fun to try and beat all stages 100%. - + Achievments- The gameplay can get intense if youre almost getting caugh.- Lots of different paths to get to the ending.- Lots of different enemies and mechanics- The art is fun, which makes you be able to play the game for an indefinite ammount of time without tiring of it.- Some posters have some fun jokes - "The right to brag." , "20 Mins of backrub", etc- Variety of enemies- Price- I only stumbled across 1 bugConclusion:I recommend the game to people who like to 100% everything, as it is fun and due to the art style, you can play it for a long time. It is cheap and provides you with at least 3 Hours of fun! I'd say that even peolpe who dont like puzzle games should buy it, to be honest.Sound\/Music : 9\/10 - Funky and matches the game. Creates a mood.Art : 10\/10 - The art style matches the game perfectly, Everything is colorful so it doesnt tire your eyes.Enjoyability : 8.5 \/ 10 - If there were more stages, this game would be flawless.Overall : 9\/10Suggestions: - Add scoreboards so we can compare our scores for each stage to other people! Would incentivate lots of people to buy due to the competitivity!- Add Bonus points due to time (The less time, the more extra points)- Release more stages!- Add map editors, so we can create our own stages and share with people on an in-game hub!Props to the devs. Very fun game!
Sneaky Sneaky Download Windows 7 Ultimate
Updated: Nov 28, 2020