About This Game Narrative-adventure playing an Agent of Death who must take ONE life that could change the fate of a conflict-torn Nation!Think The Walking Dead meets Home and The Last Express, with a dash of To The Moon!Freeform exploration with Rich dialogueWhat might you learn searching the fundraising Gala and talking to patrons? Perhaps the less you know the better?Meaningful choices and Unintended ConsequencesCan your choice change the fate of a Nation? What other result could your meddling have?Cast of ambitious and influential charactersWhat if they die? More importantly... what if they live?Complex setting of violent domestic conflict and industrial revolutionA devastated country - but is it your place to fix it? What if your educated guess is wrong?Dynamic and surprising EndingThe choice is *entirely* up to you - but what other factors may be affecting the outcome?Online Stats to compare Your Choices withAnonymous aggregate stats of everyone's playthroughs will let you see how your own choices compare! Are you one of the good guys?Free VersionThe basic game, without the extra character and bonus materials, is also available for free from our Official Website! 6d5b4406ea Title: Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut)Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Unbound CreationsPublisher:Unbound CreationsRelease Date: 15 Aug, 2013 Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut) Activation Code [PC] postmortem one must die (extended cut) You are the Grim Reaper himself/herself.You have one task - visit charity Gala and take one life. You can just kill random person and finish game in less than 5 minutes. Or you can spend 1h to have conversation with everybody and explore all rooms but game area is really small.Dialogues are well made and you can have huge impact on decisions made by each person.What a coincidence - every single character you will met in that house will have huge impact on future history of whole fictional nation. So whatever you do - it will have impact on following events.Idea is great. Unfortunatelly i can't say the same about game quality. It's not about graphics or music (which is great btw). This kind of game should have possess great replay value - you can choose different dialogue options and kill different character after all. Not in thas case. First playthrough took me 1 hour. Second one took me 10 minutes. And after 2 endings i knew all the patterns. I don't think this game can suprise me anymore.Can I recomment it - yes. Not in a full price of course as game content is really small. But in discount or as a part of a bundle - why not?. This was really just an all around delight to play through. I would play countless scenarios put together by these guys. Bought a few gift copies shortly after my first playthrough and look forward to more.. Interesting concept but not executed properly.Also way to short.. Nice ideea, bad implementation. lot of text.+ you can interact with people as well objects.+ lot of endings.+ the graphics isnt that bad.- too short..- no extra levels.- no voice acting.my advise is: if you want it.buy it in a sale!. Nice idea, but way to short. Could easily have added more then just 1 level.. Nothing much to this game, just when you think it starts, it ends which is highly disappointing.The game feels very unfinished and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.. I would rate this game as 8/10It has a great concept as long as you do not mind a bit of reading and a short game. The game really demonstrates that the smallest actions can have very large repercussions and that our choices really can make a difference.If you do not mind reading you should keep an eye on this.. Interesting idea & concept but doesn't really make a good game it would have worked better as a visual novel. Presentation is a bit cheap and gameplay is very short (less than 2hours). Full price isn't that great value for money if it is discounted might be worth a buy otherwise leave it. Considering how cheap it is, it isn't bad. Rough around the edges. Its a small scene, but a fair amount of world building has gone into the newspapers. Dialogues are also lengthy, with lots of options. DevBlog #5: Art Style, Modeling, and revealing the Setting: This week I finished furnishing a new area with items, implemented a GUI system, and done a bit of creative writing!Click Here to read more and see new screenshots![koobazaur.com]. Steam Keys for those who already bought Postmortem: Hello All!First of all THANK YOU for all your support, Postmortem's finally on Steam :D. Holiday Sale: 50% off!: Postmortem: one must die is 50% off during the holiday sales! Stock up on your moral dilemmas and meaningful choices!And Happy Holidays Everyone :). What’s Next? New Game, learning Unity, Dev Fail Video: Between all the legal/businessy/pr stuff after my first release, I have begun working on my second game, under the working title "Project Karaski." It's a highly stylized Slavic-steampunk RPG emphasizing dialogue, stealth and not-getting-spotted-doing-illegal-stuff - think less-shooty Deus Ex meets Thirty Flights of Loving. Click Here to read more details and watch some screenshots and videos[koobazaur.com]. DevBlog #2: Social Stealth, Trespassing, Lightmaps and potplants!: This week of gamedev brought the concept of illegal behaviors and suspicion into my game, as well as some graphical tweaks and models!Click Here to read more and see screenshots![koobazaur.com]. Thank You for the Criticism!: I already thanked the fans and supporters of Postmortem numerous times. Now it’s time to thank the critics as well.. Our second game announced and first Gameplay Trailer!: Go Check It Out![karaski.com]. Steam Keys are Up for previous buyers!: As promised, Steam Keys are now available those who already bought Postmortem!. We Need Your Help!: We just launched Steam Greenlight for our game and need your support! If you don’t know what it is, it’s a simple process to vote which games should be allowed to sell on Steam. Please help us out and cast your vote and tell your friends! Heck, throw it on your Facebooks or Twitter thingamajigs if you please :). DevBlog #3: Save States, Dialogue, and Women: Finishing some coding tasks and jumping back into character writing and modeling. Say Hello to Miss Sinclair!Click Here to read more and see new screenshots![koobazaur.com]
Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut) Activation Code [PC]
Updated: Nov 28, 2020